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  • Writer's pictureLatino Leadership

Virtual Forum on the Latino Community

Updated: Aug 1, 2023

This year, we cancelled our Annual Forum on the Latino Community, which typically attracts 200+ people interested in issues affecting Latino communities.

However, because we couldn't ignore the struggles our families have faced due to COVID, we opted to host a Virtual Forum on the Latino Community on Wednesday, December 16, 2020.

Our Virtual Forum on the impact of COVID-19 on the Latino community highlighted how collaborations among government, private sector and community-based organizations serve to challenge the inequities in our communities.

The forum featured the new director of Placer County Health and Human Services and chief psychiatrist, Dr. Rob Oldham, and manager at Placer County Health and Human Services, Raúl Martínez, as speakers with LLC board member, Edgar Ruiz moderating the discussion.

Nearly 200 people joined us to hear about how COVID-19 has widened the equity gap for Latinos. Please see following for recordings of our Virtual Forum in both English and Spanish:

We greatly appreciate the community's support and look forward to working together to mitigate the challenges brought on by COVID-19.


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