"I love the Mami y Yo group because it allows my 4 year-old son to feel as if he is going to school even if it is just virtually at the moment. I love working on the activities with him and seeing how much he enjoys learning."
Norma was referred to Mami y Yo in March of 2021. She had been looking for a program for her 4 year-old son after the pandemic shut down his pre-school, which was a very difficult time for both of them. Since joining the program in March, Norma and her son participate every week in the readings and activities. At the group's last in person meeting, Norma's son said, "I love my school and my teachers." Norma expressed gratitude to the Mami y Yo facilitators for making school and learning fun and exciting for her son especially after the crazy year of isolation due to the pandemic.
Ramón was battling Stage 4 cancer and had been on disability. With no other family in the area, he struggled to find a place to live. He and his mother became homeless.
“Having cancer and being homeless, it doesn’t feel like you’re gonna’ make it, but they helped me get a place until I was able to find a place of my own. They went the extra mile, even when they got off of work.”
During the COVID-19 crisis, Promotores took care packages of food and grocery gift cards to Ramón and his mother, who is serving as his caretaker while he undergoes chemotherapy.
“I didn't think that was possible, but you never really know when you need the help. They called me and asked, 'Do you need anything?’ They’re more attentive to me than I expected. They’re just there.… it gives you some kind of hope.”
Ramón gets help battling cancer
"The classes have helped me understand what my son is going through. I have noticed a change in both myself and my son - our communication and treatment of one another has greatly improved. I am really happy about the positive changes we have made and I would highly recommend the Parent Project to other families looking to improve their relationships."
After going through a separation that was affecting her relationship with her 16-year-old son, Nathan, Adriana had a conversation with her sister in which they both decided to attend the LLC's Parent Project. Adriana and her son completed the 16-week course in early 2020 and are excited to see how their relationship will continue to grow as they apply what they have learned.
In April 2019, Jovita was diagnosed with diabetes. Promotora Celina Salas referred her to Vivir Saludable con Diabetes, a Diabetes Program in Auburn sponsored by the LLC and other partners that provide four diabetes classes and a support group.
At her first class, Jovita told the group, “Two months ago, I was notified that my A1C was 11% and I want to learn what I need to do to bring it down, but I will have to memorize everything because I don’t know how to read or write.” She continued attending classes and by July 2019, she told the group her blood tests results lowered to 7% A1C.
Irene, the promotora in charge of the program, asked her, “What have you changed that you think helped bring down your blood sugar levels?”
Jovita replied, “I stopped drinking soda, eating white bread, coffee, rice, chips, and more. I check my blood sugars every other day and make sure I don’t skip meals and that my meals are well balanced. Also, now I know what vegetables will not bring my blood sugar levels up.”
She added, “I go for a 1 to 1.5-hour walk almost every day. Sometimes I cannot go for that long because I take care of my 4 children, but I am able to manage at least a 15-minute walk on busy days.” Jovita has inspired her classmates to believe they too can prevent or manage their diabetes by modifying their diet and lifestyle.
Helping Jovita manage diabetes
"I am looking forward to be able to have a voice for the youth in Sacramento. The LLC has helped me to network and has always been very helpful with providing opportunities and support whenever needed."
One of our Entre Amigos Youth Leaders, Citlalli Beltran Aceves, was selected to serve as a Youth Action Committee member with the Sac Kids First coalition. In this position, Sofia will work towards making positive change for youth in the City of Sacramento.
Leadership development is at the forefront of all our youth activities. We hope to continue to see Latina/o youth grow their leadership capacities and become agents of change in their communities!

“If not for the help of Saúl and the LLC, I would have died. I am so thankful for your support that helped me with my new life.”
Edgar contacted his Promotor Saúl to thank him for his ongoing support, but things had become so bad for him, he said he wanted to end his life. Though Saúl was on vacation when he called, other promotores responded and met with Edgar. At that meeting, Edgar opened up about why he was contemplating suicide, and after several hours, promotores provided resources for food and supplies, and continued checking in with him. Upon his return, Saúl helped Edgar get into an ICP shelter in Sacramento, where his healing began, and later helped Edgar secure housing and household donations to help Edgar furnish his new home.
The LLC received an urgent referral for a full-time Sacramento State student who was chronically homeless and who had recently become the guardian for her two teen brothers. The LLC quickly placed them into a hotel while working with local partners to find transitional housing.
Through the collaborative efforts of the LLC, Sacramento States Cares, Lilliput Wayfinder, and PCOE Family Outreach, the siblings were successful in finding emergency housing through Home Start. However, it was discovered that while the teens had become attached to their sister’s dog, the dog could not remain with them as it was not a certified service animal. More calls to PIRS, Placer County Probation and Placer County Animal Services resulted in the family being able to keep the dog with them as the family’s clinician determined it met an emotional support need of the teens.
We are happy advocate for our families and to partner with so many to meet the diverse needs of our families, no matter how complex the situation may be!

"I know I can count on the LLC if ever I find myself in need of assistance in the future. I am so incredibly happy and thankful for all the services I received, and I want to thank my promotora and the LLC for helping me through this difficult time in my life. I am forever grateful that I was referred to the LLC by a friend."
Maria Elena is 74 years old and suffers various health issues. Despite these health issues, she had never received regular medical services including dental or eye care. Her untreated health issues and her being recently fired from her job of 30 years as a farm worker, caused Maria to fall into a deep depression.
Maria’s promotora immediately prioritized assisting her in applying for medical and dental services through Sacramento Covered. She is now scheduled for her first medical appointment at the County Clinic and has also been referred to specialists including a dietician to begin managing and treating her health issues. The LLC also assisted Maria in scheduling her COVID-19 vaccine and as March 6th, she is fully vaccinated. Maria is also scheduled to receive dental and eye services, has been connected to California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation for legal assistance, and referred to Rincón de las Comadres for support and a sense of community so she may find a new purpose in this phase of her life.
Guiding Maria Elena to physical and mental health
Due to the uncertainties and stress of the pandemic, Ms. Hernandez rapidly put on weight and was advised by her doctor to lose weight for her health. She was unsure of how to go about losing weight in a healthy manner until she heard about the ongoing Nutrition & Diabetes classes the the LLC was offering. She completed the Eatfresh Mini Curso, participated in 4 diabetes nutrition classes, and attended the cooking demonstrations. At the end of the 4th diabetes class she shared the following:
"So far, I have lost 10lbs and gone down one pant size in 5 weeks by applying what I have learned in these classes. After establishing goals in the first nutrition class, I made it a point to stick to mine: I go for walks every weekday, I make sure to stay hydrated by drinking 80 ounces of water daily, and I eat healthy and balanced meals. I feel great with these changes that I have made to my daily lifestyle and I am thankful for all the gratuitous help I received, thank you for everything!"